As I was looking for a Data Entry job as Part time. These Sofitra Impex claimed that they are one of the Govt. Authorized & MCA Certified Data entry company. They show the certificates & others in their website as links to the MCA site. So I joined in their data entry process & they demanded that for joining there must be a payment for keep away the fake people. So they put forwarded to plans like National & International. I’ve selected Plan 2 international which cost me up to 20, 000 INR, & paid on 19/05/2022 at 12:06 pm. Within 2.5 hours they send me a Registration Successful mail with Employee ID, Work file, DOR, and instructions for the work file. As soon as I completed my assignment, I mailed back the work file. But from the next day the mail server was not found, their site gone dark, their support number is out of coverage area all the time. Their address was C-34, ZAKIR BAGH, NEW DELHI.
So kindly backlist those sites of fraud from search browsers. It’s shown as first in normal data entry search.