SG Estates — unsafe structure approved by gda and no safety has been provided by builder of sg grand

Chairperson gda 
Uttar pradesh 
Subject complaint of unsafe and injurious design of the flat in sg grand society 1, raj nagar extension, ghaziabad 

Dear sir, 

We the residents of first floor of the society above mentioned. It is submitted that at the time of booking of flat we had booked the 
Particular super area of flat which was usual size of the flat for everyone. However, at the time of possession letter and registration of sale deed we have 
Been informed that we have been given an open space attached to the flat. We had objected to the unnecessary increase in the area and cost of the flat, however, 
We were forced to take the area and pay the additional cost. To avoid the unnecessary litigation we paid the cost and got the flat registered in our name. However, at the 
Time of registration of sale deed it was added in the sale deed that we would not be able to create any permanent or temporary structure over the open area. 
Now everyday something or the other like iron rod, brick, broom etc. Fall in the said open area and life of our family members are in danger. 
We are surprised that how this kind of unsafe structure has been approved. Kindly, help us and pass an order to the builder to provide safety roof over the open area. 

Jitendra kumar pandey 
Alka rani 
Rishikesh sahay 
Ranvir kumar sharma 
Punam tyagi 
Prashant kumar 
Ravi kumar tanwar

unsafe structure approved by gda and no safety has been provided by builder of sg grand

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