Copying to the education minister, mr. Vivek sasodia and director of education;
I am writing this letter of complain, with a heavy heart to bring to your notice the petite conditions of a private schools in delhi. I am specifically writing to highlight a private school that i have worked with for year, pp international school pitampura delhi.
For your consideration and inspection, i have mentioned the name and address of the school below:
Pp international school
Lala lajpat marg, pitampura
Please note: the school is owned and governed by the owner of jewellery chain, pp jewellers delhi.
Dear sir, school is supposed to be a philanthropic initiative and not a money mending this case, pp international school is not only a money mending institute but also a place where black money is very conveniently converted to a legal amount and that too on cost of the noble and innocent teachers.
I would like to highlight and draw your esteemed attention to the points mentioned below:
1. The school hires the teachers on a full grade (Tgt or pgt) and in bank accounts including their official records the salary is credited as per the grade. However, on every 15th or 20th of the similar month the vice principal, mrs. Deepi bector, (On direction of the owner, rahul gupta) takes the refund from all teachers ranging from 1500 to 25000 per month.
This is one way that they cheat teachers, doe, and government (Various departments).
The owner rahul gupta very conveniently frauds on the expense of teachers and converts his black money to the fair deeds.
2. On one hand they claim to be a cbse school, on other hand they have teachers who are not qualified tgt and pgt. Leave alone the experience these teachers do not posses a b. Ed degree (Which as per cbse is a mandate for teaching). Whenever cbse holds any inspection these teachers are conveniently either given off for the day or they are called to the school and are projected as a support staff.
3. While cbse marks it mandate that certain holidays, public holidays, needs to be given to all the staff, pp international school, makes it mandate for the staff to work without any compensatory leave or compensation.
The working conditions are absolutely inhuman at pp international school. The teachers are not given proper leave and when asked for own benefits the owner rahul gupta makes it humiliating and intolerable for teachers to work. They either end up leaving or being terminated on unexplained created grounds.
4. Adding a feather to the school’s fraud cap, rahul gupta has made life not only for the teachers difficult under the name and fear of cbse but also for students studying at pp international school, pitampura delhi.
If you would have noticed, respected sir, there were numerous complains filled by the parents at doe cbse office against the owner rahul gupta and school pp international school, pitampura delhi in the academic year. And, surprisingly many of my fellow teachers (Just to remove evidence or on not following rahul gupta’s malicious instructions) were terminated. This was all done to justify that the parents are wrong and teachers are leaving because of the parents. The fact is that the teachers never left they were terminated taking an undersign that they are in fear of circumstances. One such has also been taken by me, mayank handa – pgt english at pp international school.
5. The torture does not end here; the terminated teachers are not given their salary. Instead they are asked to return the provident fund amount back to the school for them to get their experience certificate and other formal clearance from school (In present and future). Not to mention that they do not even pay back the deposited amount (Usually one month salary) after being terminated by the school.
6. If you conduct an inquiry all the teachers (Barring handful) are new and this is every year. These teachers are absolutely clueless and fresher for them to know any formularise policy. The school refuses to pay summer break salary or winter break to the teachers which as per cbse is paid for the teachers a well.
7. Another classic fraud that the owner rahul gupta has played is by declaring the wrong experience with cbse of teachers for board paper corrections.
I mayank handa – pgt english at pp international school have only a years experience in teaching as pgt but rahul gupta had submitted tampered papers showing many teacher’s experience including mine as 2 or more years. When asked why, we were informed to just sign or get out of the school. The papers sent by school with signatures o[censored]s and management still are in doe cbse custody.
8. Under all these circumstances, even the students suffer. Rahul gupta, the owner of the school, does not spare politics even to the children or their parents. The parents are tortured to an extent that they are not allowed to enter the school to discuss their wards performance and neither are they allowed to attend any functions organised by the school relating to their wards. To make matters worst, they are given humiliating consents to sign which is against the dignity of any adult. Many complains of these as well have been escalated to doe in large scales by the parents in year 217-2108.
One of my student, shhradha talwar of grade viii (Who was a new admission in pp international school) and her parents were troubled to an extent that they had to leave the school in mid session merely because rahul gupta has taken their genuine concern to his big fat ego. To feed his ego he did not consider the child’s future or parent’s agony troubling them to an extent that they had to leave the school half way through.
This is merely one instance! If you conduct an inquiry and speak to all the troubled parents of pp international school, rahul gupta and deepi bector (Vice principal) they would have sagas to narrate misbehaviour and torture that they have faced from all of them.
9. To mislead public, pp international school, rahul gupta and deepi bector (Vice principal) forces the teachers and staff to write fake reviews for the school on net. And to an extent they force teachers and staff to like the school reviews for their rating to hit the desired target.
If you match the teacher and staff to the review section of pp international school (The link to which has been given below, you would notice that most of the reviews are either by the teacher or staff. If that has not helped the fake id’s are used to pull the rating up.
Adding to the above, recently i was terminated from the school on no genuine grounds. I was promised like many other teachers that i shall be given clearance and documents supplied as any employee leaves the organisation.
Late last week i was called explaining that i have pay back my provident fund and in addition they would not return my deposited salary amount and in addition to that i have to pay a hefty amount to get the salary certificate, form 16 and experience certificate from pp international school.
I have recorded conversation of the vice principal, deepi bector
I. Demanding the money for my experience certificate to be issued
Ii. Admitting that pp international school paid full grade salary to me and took the refund (In cash) every month as difference of shown and actual
Iii. Vice principal, deepi bector also has confirmed on the call that i was terminated from the school (Any lawful firm gives notice or a months salary) but here pp international school ha not given me the actual slary of march, along few days of april that i have worked with them
Iv. Vice principal, deepi bector in the call very conveniently gives me tips to withdraw the pf as recovery of the march salary and says ideally you should not a per the government and transfer it to the next employer
V. She has also confirmed that this clearance is done by the finance for every employee and she as an excel sheet where they have structured my transferred salary to the actual salary and it has the refund amount that have paid every month to the pp international school
10. Please note that these are just the tip of the ice burg. If you dig deeper into the sea you would see that through pp international school, rahul gupta has fed his ego and tortured many people which includes the dignified teachers, honest staff, respected parents, innocent teachers and honourable governance of our india.
For instance, i have mentioned below few reviews and comments that people/ staff/ teachers and their family have posted against pp international school owned and governed by rahul gupta. Unfortunately all of them were either forcefully or by threat resolved in influence of rahul gupta.
Pp international school — harassment to women
1 review
Submit a complaint
Harassment and disrespect to female employees and misbehaviour by the chairman mr. Rahul gupta. My sister was working here from past one week and within a week three times the chairman misbehaved and passed comments which where not supposed to made to a girl. Request you to please take a strict action against him as such people are a threat to the women and a disgrace to the society. Pp international school ld block, pitampura, new delhi, delhi 110034
Link source:…⇄
A post from parent on their review section:
Gitesh k
Local guide • 61 reviews • 53 photos
A month ago-
Poorly managed school. The management doesn’t believe in talking to parents or giving any respect to them. Anyone raising an objection or even a question is berated and asked to withdrawn their wards.
The teachers keep moving out after very sorry tenures, many a times during the semester.
There’s no clarity of who is the principal with different names registered with different departments. As far as i know they don’t have a principal for past 5-6 years!
All then about parent-teacher association (Pta) which is mandatory as per law of land and rte, however school management told us it is a secret… Secert… Yes, you read it correctly! ☺
The focus of school management seems to be to gloss over their image by deleting facebook pages and google listings… Hiding reviews and getting new new listings created with fake reviews.
I hope against hope that the school management comes to it’s senses before it rest of the parents start taking a stand and start withdrawing their wards like many o[censored]s did.
Ravi saini
2 reviews
2 weeks ago
School failed to learn the basics – cost of retaining a student and parent is much less than spending on advertisements for new enrollments. Please ask the management how many teachers, maids, staff and students have left since july 2017.
Anil kumar
9 reviews • 4 photos
2 months ago-
Very bad and very bad management in this school
I respect your time and i hope you have been able to grasp the gist of the inhuman conditions of the school not only for the students, teachers and staff but also the antagonistic and abnormal attitude rahul gupta and deepi bector are instilling and projecting through a this noble structured identity set for things to be learn right. I would request you to kindly take a strict action in favour of the education and protect interest of teachers, students and parents safeguarding their intreste in education.
Today where we talk of right to education, institutes an owners like pp international school, rahul gupta and deepi bector sabotage the reputation thereby leaving space to think if what as teachers we are dong is right or not. I wonder today being a sole earner in my family, have i taken the right decision to be a teacher? And, all this credit goes to pp international school, rahul gupta and deepi bector.
Please help in protecting society against this fraud which is happening right under the nose of your governance in name of reputed cbse forum. I would request you to please look into the issue and be strict enough of cancelling licence of these crude brutal shops – pp international school, disguised in skin of noble institution marked as school. Thank you for your patience and i hope these moves in the right direction for betterment of all.
I have recordings available where the school authority ha admitted the above stated grievance related to my settlement.
Your’s sincerely,
Mayank handa