My stock broker (Trading member /tm) has cheated me since five years by booking transaction into my account without my concent.
Below are the points of discussion had with them
1. As per statement of my trading member (Tm) that during notice period i had done transaction on 09/11/18, this is a false statement. Whereas tm had not allowed me to trade since i had raised complaint to nse till day. I request nse panel to please take a note of this as this transaction was without my concent and tm would have done such activities earlier also.
2. I had requested my tm to assign me different relationship manager (Rm) as the one who is doing transactions for me is not taking my calls and restricting me to trade as per his wish.
3. I have a claim of rs.87, 436/= (01/04/13 to 31/03/18) which is the amount i have paid to my tm for transactions and when i came to know about their non compliant way of doing transactions in my account without my consent i have incurred such losses.