Hello my name is sahil chawla and i got an advertisement about online part time work from home opportunity.
This company name is tgf vacations india pvt ltd and claims to provide online part time income to candidates who signup wih them.
They took an amount of 2500 and told me they will provide me training to post ads online and earn money but they never picked my phone and one of their collegue name prashant ask me to make a chain of people and ask them for money and ask them to make chain and do fraud with people.
This all started with executive name priya singh from tfg vacations and she is even not afraid of police and asked me to do whatever i can do and they will not refeund my money.
Also they have collected my adhaar card copy and pancard copy along with my electricity bill and im afraid if they can misuse these things.
Priya is a big fraud and is not picking my phone.