Stay away from those cheator(Swati & Smruti) my friends.
AAROHY Consultancy
Plot No. – 188, Unit- 3,
Kharvel Nagar, Behind Exhibition
Bhubaneswar Orissa INDIA.
They are just playing with candidate money & centiment.I have mentioned the address & name.They are changing their mobile continuously.I have collected some number [protected], [protected] & one number started with 9778…
1st they dealed with smoothly.Once u paid ur money than they’ll send that where u can’t work.I[censored] complain than they tell, we r giving job but u r nt performing.
1st they take a membership money(which is within Rs.500)
than they take more than 1 month salary in advance & they’ll send u to that cheator sales mgr(their agent).
They wouldn’t tell the actual salary.always tell the amount more than actual.
I[censored] paid that amount than ur torture period starts.They’ll torture u till the resignation.Once u resigned their than they recruit another candidate asking the same procedure(thats the way they r business is going on).
They r involving with other consultancy.One of name is Orissa doot pvt ltd & so many consultancy.
Pls don’t give ur hard money to these cheaters.
I think Fraud Concept was taken from fraud plot builder.They have just fraud setting with 4 to 5 yASM company.Both r involved.I[censored]’ll continue that job than how they make money.
I[censored] need more information u can send mail-
Jaago candidate jaago…
Its a super planned racket like fraud plot business in bhubaneswar.Thatswhy girls r 1st dealing with u.