Franklin Templeton MF has earned enormous amounts as fund management fees in last 25 years, from millions of small investors. Rs 40000 crores plus. Their fund mangers / company directors earn salaries in crores of Rs every year, which is paid by millions of Indian citizens.
Last week, this MF declared that it is NOT possible for them to pay back Rs 25000 crore, due to market conditions. They might pay after 5/10 years. What they did not tell us, that as they have invested deliberately in bad debts, with mala fide intentions.
Important to note that, none of other 25 mutual funds, operating in same space in India, have taken this extreme step. This MF management team has deliberately cheated lakhs of small investors like me.
If your money is earned from honest means, keep away from this MF.
Franklin Templeton will successfully kill you; your family members in 1 second flat, by stopping all payments.
Complaints made to courts, sebi, goverment, against Franklin Templeton did not yield anything.
Franklin Templeton managed everybody.
You must take care of your money, yourself.