Siri, Sushara Technologies(R) bangalore, called me for job opening, She said I need to pay Rs.100 for registartion and `later they say you need to pay RS.2950 (before that they said not hidden fess and extra charges, they will money from empolyeer) without that your process cannot move forward (this money will refund found on getting job by empolyeer), for job propruse. They said traineer is from EX- empolyee of infosys. They give is trainning of soft skills which is really not required. At the end of training they provide certificate and take picture with you and trainner (so you cannot defend yourself for refund). Then they call for final discussion with another person he says this money will not be refunded, and he said you get job on garntee, and they will arrange the interview. Because I was job less and gap was 8 month I kept quite for no refund atleast i will get the job. They said they arrange the interview 1st option and second option they will arrange job with 12days payment of month job after getting, but need to pay before joining the job, they wrote on paper and took sign of me.
Then they send me to interview there I found it was contract job and they will pay as fresher, then I called them what Kind of company they sent to me its a contract job, then they referred to other company there also same they said they higher fresher only.
Then again I called them they told give me 5min they will arrange with other employer. I waited for 3hours no response. Then i called them they started to disconnect call, Then again called them again they said 5min. I didn’t get any response. So I visit the office and here another person came and I said them I had requested manufacturing job but you sent me to assembly and instrumentation company, then they showed my signed copy and said you agreed on it, yes I said for manufacturing job and under direct employer and not in company. then they took week time and said they arrange with other company but still today I didn’t get any thing. Today morning I called them they said said yesterday they said will send company address for company but still didn’t receive.